Die offizielle RSD Black Friday 2024 Release-Liste mit allen Veröffentlichungen zum 29. November 2024 in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz:
(Stand: 21.11.2024)
CANOROUS QUINTET, A Only Pure Hate (Ltd. Red LP) (BF RSD 24) Exklusive Wiederauflage des Death-Metal-Klassikers der schwedischen Kult-Band A Canorous Quintet zum Black Friday RSD24! Zum Band-Lineup zählten Mitglieder von Bands wie Amon Amarth, Mörk Gryning, Guidance Of Sin, This Ending & October Tide. Jetzt erhältlich als streng limitierte Red Vinyl! LP 1 SOUND POLLUTION / BLACK LODGE RECORDS DEATH METAL RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
ANTIFUCHS Detox EP (RSD BF 2024) Die Detox EP von Antifuchs erscheint erstmals exklusiv auf Vinyl und ist streng limitiert als Teil des Record Store Day (RSD) Releases am Black Friday 2024. Dieses besondere Release enthält nicht nur die power geladenen Tracks der EP, sondern bietet auch einen exklusiven Bonustrack, der diese Vinyl Version perfekt ergänzt. 12″ 1 VINDIG HIP HOP RE-RELEASE – erstmals exklusiv auf Vinyl! 29.11.2024 believe
AUTOBAHN OUTLAW / V8 WANKERS Mean Enough/Trailer Trash Dreams (Green Vinyl RSD) Auf Absinth grünem Vinyl gibt es zum Black Friday Rock ´n´Roll bis zum Anschlag – die Split Vinyl der AUTOBAHN OUTLAWS und der V8 WANKERS, limitert und nummeriert auf nur 68 Stück! 10 Jahre nach dem AUTOBAHN OUTLAW Debut „RU12“ nun wieder ein Lebenszeichen des Sidepojekts um V8 WANKERS Mastermind Lutz Vegas ROSE TATTOO Bassist Steve King und ROSE TATTOO Gitarrist Ronnie Simmons. Heavy Blues Rock’n’Roll mit Slide Guitar in typischer Aussie Rock Manier überzeugt erneut eindrucksvoll auf allen vier Songs der Offenbach / Sydney Allianz. No Fillers, just Killers, ist und bleibt das Erfolgskonzept des Bad Boys Dream Teams. Der Titel der „Mean Enough“ ist Programm. Auf der B Seite gibt es zusätzlich noch ein aussergewöhnliches „Schmankerl“ der Offenbacher Punk’n‘ Roll Pioniere von den V8 WANKERS. Die Country lastige White Trash Hymne „Trailer Trash Dreams“ in 3 verschiedenen Versionen plus ein weiterer Bonustrack, sind ein willkommener Vorgeschmack auf das kommende, 10. Studioalbum der V8 WANKERS mit dem Titel „Choices Made In Anger“, welches im Herbst diesen Jahres erscheint. Nach 6 Jahren endlich wieder ein Full Length Album der hessischen Fist of Rock auf ihrem Stammlabel Remedy Records / Rude Records! LP 1 REMEDY RECORDS HARD ROCK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
BLUMENTOPF Grosses Kino (BF RSD 24) Schwarzes Vinyl / Gatefold Cover und bedruckte Innenhüllen / feat. MC Rene , Manuva (Total Chaos)⦠Zeitloses Album von 1999 inklusive den Hits âSafariâ , âVon Disco zu Discoâ und vielen anderen. LP 2 VINDIG HIPHOP / RAP – DEUTSCHSPR. HIPHOP /- RAP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
BLUMENTOPF Kein Zufall (BF RSD 24) Schwarzes Vinyl. Das erste Studioalbum vom Blumentopf gibt es endlich wieder auf Vinyl. Deutschrap Klassiker von 1997 aus München. Als Gast ist David P. von Main Concept dabei. 20 Anspielstationen inklusive dem Track â6 Meter 90â. LP 2 VINDIG HIPHOP / RAP – DEUTSCHSPR. HIPHOP /- RAP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
THOMAS, JEROME Mood Swings Volume 1 (BF RSD 24) Jerome Thomas‘ Mood Swings Vol. 1 ist ein herausragendes Beispiel für seine gefühlvolle Kunst, die Elemente von Neo-Soul, R&B und Jazz zu einem nahtlosen Projekt vereint, das die ganze Bandbreite menschlicher Emotionen widerspiegelt. Jetzt wird Mood Swings Vol. 1 zum 1. Mal auf Vinyl als exklusive RSD-Veröffentlichung erhältlich sein. Eine auf 300 Stück limitierte Sonderausgabe! LP 1 VINDIG SOUL RE-RELEASE – erstmals exklusiv auf Vinyl! 29.11.2024 believe
MURRAY, KEITH The Most Beautifullest Thing In This (RSD BF2024) Keith Murray wurde als Mitglied der Gruppe Def Squad zum ersten Mal in der Welt des Hip Hop bekannt. Andere Squad-Mitglieder waren Redman (später von Wu-Tang Clan) und Erick Sermon (von EPMD). Auf The Most Beautifullest Thing In The World fungiert Sermon als Hauptproduzent, wobei auch Redman einen Beitrag leistet – ebenso wie Busta Rhymes. Murrays Debütalbum erreichte Platz 34 der Billboard Top 200 und eine Top-10-Position in den Top R&B/Hip-Hop-Alben-Charts. Zur Feier des 30-jährigen Jubiläums dieser herausragenden Aufnahme präsentiert Get On Down The Most Beautifullest Thing in der schönsten Aufmachung, die es je gab – als Doppel-LP in einer exklusiven farbigen Black Friday-Pressung in einem Gatefold-Jacket mit einem OBI. Um die Dinge noch schöner zu machen, schlieÃt die Wiederveröffentlichung mit einer Auswahl an Songs, die bisher nur auf 12 Zoll erschienen sind. LP 2 GET ON DOWN HIP HOP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
MF DOOM Operation: Doomsday (25th Anni.)(RSD BF2024) MF DOOMs Klassiker von 1999 Operation: Doomsday wird zum RSD Black Friday in zwei einzigartigen Varianten in drei Formaten präsentiert!
Die Doppel-Gatefold-LP im Original-Cover kommt in einer silber-metallic-Pressung mit lila Akzenten (Platte eins) und einer silber-metallic-Pressung mit grünen Akzenten (Platte zwei), während die LPs im Varianten-Cover von Jason Jagel in einer Gold-Nugget-Pressung mit roten Spritzern erhältlich sind. LP 2 METALFACE HIP HOP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
MF DOOM Operation: Doomsday (25th Anni.)(RSD BF2024) MF DOOMs Klassiker von 1999 Operation: Doomsday wird zum RSD Black Friday in zwei einzigartigen Varianten in drei Formaten präsentiert!
Die Kassetten-Editionen sind ebenfalls mit dem Original- und dem Varianten-Artwork erhältlich. Die Hülle mit dem Original-Artwork ist silbermetallic mit lila Text. Das Varianten-Artwork hat eine goldene Hülle mit rotem Text. MC 1 METALFACE HIP HOP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
MF DOOM Operation: Doomsday (25th Anni.)(RSD BF2024) MF DOOMs Klassiker von 1999 Operation: Doomsday wird zum RSD Black Friday in zwei einzigartigen Varianten in drei Formaten präsentiert! Die CD-Wiederveröffentlichungen kommen in einer sammelwürdigen, vollfarbigen Longbox – mit einer zufälligen Auswahl des Original- und Varianten-Covers. CD 1 METALFACE HIP HOP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
NGOZI, PAUL Viva Ngozi (RSD BF2024) Hard Rock trifft Funk auf diesem unverzichtbaren Stück aus dem Katalog des sambischen Gitarristen und Bandleaders Paul Ngozi. Mit dem Schlagzeuger Chrissy Zebby Tembo.
Viva Ngozi, ein Schlüsselwerk der Zamrock-Bewegung der 1970er Jahre, wurde erstmals 1976 auf dem Label Chris Editions veröffentlicht, und zwar nur in Sambia.
Bis jetzt wurde die Aufnahme noch nie neu aufgelegt. Now-Again Records präsentiert Viva Ngozi in einer undurchsichtigen orangefarbenen Vinyl-Pressung exklusiv zum RSD Black Friday.
Das Set enthält auch ein übergroÃes 8-seitiges Booklet, das Paul Ngozi und die Ngozi Family’s Arc detailliert beschreibt, einschlieÃlich seltener Fotos, Diskografie und Anmerkungen. LP 1 NOW AGAIN AFRO RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
RAEKWON Immobilarity (25th Anniv.) (RSD BF2024) 1999 veröffentlichte Raekwon vom Wu-Tang Clan mit Immobilarity den Nachfolger seines mittlerweile legendären Solodebüts Only Built 4 Cuban Linx. Das im November 1999 erschienene Album erreichte die Top 10 der US-Albumcharts und wurde innerhalb eines Monats von der RIAA mit Gold ausgezeichnet. Zum 25. Jahrestag dieser bahnbrechenden Aufnahme präsentiert Get On Down Immobilarity als Doppel-LP in einer nie wiederkehrenden Auflage auf farbigem Vinyl, in einem Klappcover mit Text und einem Sammlerstück im OBI. LP 2 GET ON DOWN HIP HOP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
HAMMOND, BERES Just A Man (RSD Ltd. Edition Green Vinyl) „Just A Man“ zeigt eine frühe Version des Meisters des Lover’s Rock, Beres Hammond: Ein R&B/Disco-Crooner – und zwar ein ziemlich überzeugender. Dieses Album aus dem Jahr 1979 präsentiert ein Who’s Who der Reggae-Schwergewichte und enthält den begehrten UK-Soul-Hit „Do This World A Favour“ sowie 7 weitere funky Tracks in voller Länge, die dem Hörer eine andere Seite von Beres‘ Wurzeln zeigen. Diese neu gemasterte, farbige Vinyl-Ausgabe enthält das seltene „Rolls Royce“-Cover, das ursprünglich auf dem Joe Gibbs-Label veröffentlicht wurde. Das Album wurde von Joe Gibbs produziert, von Willie Lindo arrangiert und von Errol Thompson abgemischt. Zu den Features gehören Val Douglas, Mikey Chung, Dean Fraser, Clive Hunt, Harold Butler, Robbie Lyn und Pam Hall (Gesang). LP 1 17 NORTH PARADE REGGAE RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
SOULS OF MISCHIEF No Man’s Land (RSD BF2024) 1995 lieÃen die Souls of Mischief aus Oakland ihr hervorragendes Debütalbum No Man’s Land folgen, ein viel zu oft übersehenes Juwel aus der goldenen Ãra des Hip-Hop. Die Veröffentlichung landete in den Billboard Top 200 und erreichte einen respektablen Platz 27 in den Top R&B/Hip-Hop Album Charts. No Man’s Land wurde bei seiner Erstveröffentlichung in den USA nicht auf Vinyl veröffentlicht, und die Platte hat nie eine offizielle Neuauflage in den USA erlebt. Get On Down präsentiert No Man’s Land nun als Doppel-LP im Gatefold-Jacket mit OBI – und natürlich in einer farbigen Vinylauflage exklusiv zum RSD Black Friday. LP 2 GET ON DOWN HIP HOP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
LAIBACH The John Peel Sessions (Ltd. Col. LP) (BF RSD24) The John Peel Sessions‘ von Laibach erscheint erstmals auf Vinyl. Exklusiv für den Black Friday Record Store Day 2024 remastered und auf stein-farbener Vinyl. LP 1 MUTE ALTERNATIVE RE-RELEASE – erstmals exklusiv auf Vinyl! 29.11.2024 believe
STRESS EATER (CZARFACE & DR.OCTAGON) Everybody Eats (RSD BF2024) Nach endlosen Anfragen für eine Zusammenarbeit von Czarface und Dr. Octagon, nimmt die von Comics inspirierte Supergruppe Czarface eine kosmische Wendung und kreiert ein funky Abenteuer in voller Länge mit dem spacigen Kool Keith! Wenn die Platte läuft, verwandeln sie sich in einen Gegenspieler, der es sogar mit dem mächtigen Czarface aufnehmen kann – Stress Eater! Es erwartet euch eine reichhaltige Mischung aus dem, was beide Acts so besonders macht: blockrockende Beats und bizarre, umwerfende Lyrik… alles serviert mit einem Cover von Czarface-Künstler Lamour Supreme. LP 1 SILVER AGE HIP HOP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
TOO SHORT Cocktails (RSD BF2024) Too $hort veröffentlichte Cocktails im Januar 1995. Bis Februar desselben Jahres verkaufte sich die Platte über 100.000 Mal und erreichte Platz 6 der Billboard Top 200. Bis zum Ende des Jahres erreichte das Album Platinstatus.
Zu den Gästen gehören MC Breed, The Dangerous Crew und der Produzent des Albums, Ant Banks, sowie Tupac Shakur. Erstaunlicherweise hat Cocktails nie eine kommerzielle Vinyl-Ausgabe gesehen. Get On Down korrigiert dieses Versäumnis am RSD Black Friday mit einer exklusiven farbigen Vinyl-Wiederveröffentlichung mit der Doppel-LP in einem Gatefold-Jacket und mit einem Sammler-OBI. LP 2 GET ON DOWN HIP HOP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
TRANSPORT LEAGUE We Are Satans People (Ltd. Half/Half LP)(BF RSD24) Exklusive Black Friday-Vinyl-Auflage des neuen Studioalbums ‚We Are Satan’s People‘ der schwedischen Groove-Metal-Formation Transport League! ‚We Are Satan’s People‘ ist absolutes Must Have für alle Fans von Pantera, Clutch, COC, Mustasch, White Zombie oder Prong. Jetzt erhältlich als streng limitierte Half Black/Half White Col. Vinyl! LP 1 SOUND POLLUTION / BLACK LODGE RECORDS METAL RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 believe
BETTER THAN EZRA DELUXE Hard to believe that this multi-platinum recordâboasting the #1 Modern Rock single âGoodââhas only seen a release on vinyl previously via an extremely limited run for Pledge Music (remember them?). Just like that edition, weâre going gatefold with our 2-LP Real Gone reissueâ¦originally self-released by Better Than Ezra in 1993 and re-released by Elektra in 1995, Deluxe provides a ticket back to that beloved jangle-pop, college radio sound. Also features the alternative hit singles âIn the Bloodâ and âRosealia.â Reissued on grape vinyl with the full support of the band…limited to 2000 copies! This is a 2024 Black Friday Record Store Day release. LP 2 REAL GONE MUSIC ROCK 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
BIOHAZARD MATA LEAO Mata leao means lion killer in Portuguese, an appropriate title for this beast of an album, Biohazards first as a trio. In this case less is more; with a sound blending so many ingredients (hardcore, rap, metal), the increased focus brought on by the streamlined line-up just hardens the tip of the jackhammer. Produced by Dave Jerden of Janes Addiction and Alice in Chains fame, this 1996 release sees its first issue on vinyl, complete with printed inner sleeve. LP 1 WARNER BROTHERS HARDCORE 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
BLASTERS OVER THERE: LIVE At The Venue London 1982, The Complete Concert Americana music legends, The Blasters were recorded on their first international tour in May of 1982 at the Venue in London England. Six of those tracks were released on Slash Records as a 12-inch EP later that year. Four more tracks were uncovered and included on the Rhino/WB anthology âTestamentâ in 1997. As part of a new catalog deal for the Blasters recordings with Liberation Hall the label has uncovered thirteen more tracks to release the complete concert. The band is firing on all cylinders as they were taking off in London after Shakin Stevens version of the Dave Alvin-written âMarie Marieâ hit the top 20 of the UK charts. It is quintessential listening and a magical music moment uncovered for any fan of the band. The double LP will include new liner notes, rare photos and memorabilia images all packaged in a gatefold sleeve. Pressed on classic black vinyl and permanently exclusive for RSD. LP 2 LIBERATION HALL ROCK 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
CARTER THE UNSTOPPABLE SEXMACHINE UP POMPEY! Live In Portsmouth 1993 LP 2 CHRYSALIS POP 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
DAVIS, JESSE ‚ED‘ Tomorrow May Not Be Your Day – The Unissued Atco Recordings 1970-1971 Limited COBALT „BLUE JEAN“ VINYL + Gatefold Cover. Native American guitarist Jesse Ed Davis was the âgo-toâ guy for a remarkable group of musicians. Starting in the mid-âSixties, he toured with Conway Twitty, then became a key part of Taj Mahalâs band, playing on several albums and tours including an appearance on The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus, and, perhaps most famously, accompanied George Harrison during the Concert for Bangla Desh, followed by work on various solo albums by John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Gene Clark, Leonard Cohen, and Jackson Browne (thatâs Jesse taking the solo on his 1972 breakout hit âDoctor My Eyesâ).
All this activity caught the eye of ATCO Records, who released his debut LP Jesse Davis in 1971 featuring Leon Russell, Eric Clapton, Gram Parsons, Merry Clayton, Ben Sidran, John Simon (producer of The Band), Alan White (of Yes), and many others including Delaney Bramlett behind the mixing desk. A year later, Atco released Ululu containing some of the same all-stars, plus Duck Dunn, Jim Keltner, and Dr. John â and a version of George Harrisonâs âSue Me, Sue You Bluesâ before even George recorded it.
Of late, thereâs been something of a Jesse Ed Davis revival. Besides our releases, he was a major figure in the documentary Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the Worldâ¦and now this fall comes a full-fledged biography, Washita Love Child: The Life and Times of Jesse Ed Davis, by Dr. Douglas Miller. To honor the man and the occasion of the bookâs release (and to slake guitar-heads the world over thirsting for more tasty Jesse Ed licks), we at Real Gone Music are thrilled to announce the release of Tomorrow May Not Be Your Day: The Unissued Atco Recordings 1970-1971, a double-LP collection consisting of, as the title says, all unreleased recordings taken from Jesseâs sessions for his two Atco solo records. Along the way youâll find completely unreleased songs (âSlinky Jamâ), unexpected covers of âAinât No Beatle,â âKansas City,â and âTracks of My Tears,â unissued instrumentals (including a version of Dylanâs âLove Minus Zero/No Limitâ), and an entire side featuring alternate versions of Jesseâs masterpiece, âWashita Love Child.â Remastered by Mike Milchner at Sonic Vision, and featuring notes by Dr. Miller festooned by photos contributed by Jesseâs son William âBillyâ Noriega, Tomorrow May Not Be Your Day: The Unissued Atco Recordings 1970-1971 represents a major, major archival find from one of rockâs most intriguing characters, out on cobalt „blue jean“ vinyl limited to 1500 copies. LP 2 REAL GONE MUSIC ROCK 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
DICKEY BETTS & GREAT SOUTHERN SOUTHERN JAM NEW YORK 1978 Previously released on CD and digital only in 2017 this 110-minute concert performance from the legendary Allman Brothers Band guitarist was recorded at the Calderone Concert Hall on Long Island, New York on August 11, 1978. The show features 13 tracks including the ABB classics âJessicaâ, Southboundâ, âIn Memory of Elizabeth Reedâ, âBlue Skyâ and âRamblin Manâ along with tracks from the 1977 album from his Great Southern band. The triple LP set will be packaged in a gatefold sleeve with new liner notes and photos. His recent passing has created a demand for his music and this performance on vinyl. LP 3 LIBERATION HALL SRK 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
FLAMIN GROOVIES, THE LET IT ROCK!: Live from the San Francisco Civic Center October 26, 1980 Limited COLOURED Vinyl Edition // This lineup includes the classic Groovies core of Cyril Jordan, George Alexander, and Chris Wilson, and was recorded in October 1980 just as the bandâs contract with Sire Records expired, introducing an element of uncertainty into the bandâs future. This 12-track live set list from San Francisco features their classic takes on the Beatles, Stones, Byrds and some classic rock numbers. This show hasnât ever been available in any format and will be pressed on limited-edition colored vinyl exclusive for RSD. LP 1 LIBERATION HALL ROCK 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
POWTER, DANIEL DP LIMITED HIGHLIGHTER YELLOW VINYL. Had a bad day? Well, news of this 1995 smash album (also known as Daniel Powter) finally receiving a vinyl release should turn it around! Yes, it does indeed include the #1 hit âBad Day,â which is one of those songs that has so fully infiltrated pop culture that most people donât even know who the original artist was who sang it! But reissue of this record should remind them; itâs a model of finely-crafted adult alternative pop, produced (but not overly polished) by Mitchell Froom (and weâve added a bonus track, âLove You Lately,â that didnât come out on the CD). DP went Top Ten not just in the U.S., but in the U.K., Japanâ¦and, of course, was a huge hit in Powterâs native Canada. Includes a color printed inner sleeveâ¦reissued with the full support of the artist himself! Highlighter yellow vinyl limited to 1500 copies! LP 1 REAL GONE MUSIC ROCK 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
TOLLIVER, CHARLES LIVE AT THE CAPTAIN’S CABIN Tolliver was born in Jacksonville, Florida, in 1942 and moved with his family to New York City when he was 10. During his childhood, his grandmother gave him his first horn, a cornet he had coveted. Tolliver was attending Howard University in the early 1960s as a pharmacy major, when he decided to pursue music as a career and return home to New York City. He came to prominence in 1964, playing and recording on Jackie McLean’s Blue Note albums. In 1971, Tolliver and Stanley Cowell founded Strata-East Records, and Tolliver released many albums and collaborations on Strata-East. Live at Captain’s Cabin is a newly discovered gem from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada that finds Music Inc in absolutely fine form at a club called the Captain’s Cabin. Playing mostly original music from Tolliver the band let’s loose in the live setting. In his words „The players I had, John Hicks, Clint Houston and Cliff Barbaro. I just let them go do their thing and I didn’t rein them in so we could have some pretty wild renditions of things, which if I were to do it now with a different rhythm section, it would sound different. It would be different. But I think that 50 something years ago that we were just expressing the exuberance of playing together and being on the road and the songs that I composed at that time, a few of them I still play, are completely different.“ LP 2 REEL TO REAL RECORDINGS JAZZ 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
ULTRAVOX LAMENT âLamentâ is the 6th studio album from Ultravox. The first disc of this 2009 definitive edition consists of the original album remastered and a second disc containing remixes, B-sides and previously unreleased „work in progress“ versions of songs. Including a special mix of âWhite Chinaâ and an extended mix of âOne Small Dayâ. CD 2 CHRYSALIS RECORDS POP 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
ULTRAVOX LAMENT âLamentâ is the 6th studio album from Ultravox. The first disc of this 2009 definitive edition consists of the original album remastered and a second disc containing remixes, B-sides and previously unreleased „work in progress“ versions of songs. Including a special mix of âWhite Chinaâ and an extended mix of âOne Small Dayâ. LP 2 CHRYSALIS RECORDS POP 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
DOUGLAS, DAVE GIFTS Modern jazz giant Dave Douglas releases his first new album in almost 2 years with a new project titled GIFTS. This debut album is Dave playing with Ian Chang and Rafiq Bhatia (members of Son Lux and the Oscar nominated for the score of Everything Everywhere All At Once), as well as the brilliant versatile saxophonist James Brandon Lewis. The album is an adventurous exploration of the genre through the lens of composer Billy Strayhorn, covering 4 of his compositions, alongside 6 originals. Limited RED Vinyl LP 2 GREENLEAF MUSIC JAZZ 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
GASLIGHT ANTHEM LIVE AT PARK AVE. Limited PURPLE NEBULA Vinyl // Live at Park Ave. is a live Album by the Gaslight Anthem. It was recorded on October 22, 2008 and originally released exclusively on vinyl on April 19, 2009. This live EP consists of 6 songs, recorded live at the Think Indie store, Park Ave CDs, in Orlando, Florida, during the band’s tour with Rise Against, Thrice and Alkaline Trio. The last song played, „Once Upon a Time“, is a cover of Robert Bradley’s Blackwater Surprise, previously released as an iTunes bonus track on the band’s successful album The ’59 Sound. This Record Store Day exclusive release celebrates the 15 year anniversary of the release of this EP, capturing the band at a time when they were catapulting toward the first major peak of their career. Now, 15 years later, after the band has reunited and toured the world following a massively successful return to form, this EP serves as the perfect glimpse at where the band came from, as we watch them continue to soar well into their third decade as a band. Pressed on purple nebula vinyl! This is a 2024 Black Friday Record Store Day release. 12″ 2 ONE SIDE DUMMY ROCK 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
MINUS 5 DOWN WITH WILCO Limited BLUE Vinyl + Postcard. Down with Wilco is the fifth album by The Minus 5. Produced by Scott McCaughey and Jeff Tweedy, it is a collaboration between McCaughey and Wilco, recorded at SOMA Studios Chicago in September and December 2001, in the wake of 9/11. The LP has been out of print for years, but is being re-released as a single LP RSD Exclusive, on Sky Blue vinyl with new artwork and a poster! This is a limited edition pressing of 1,200 copies and is only available at participating Record Store Day stores on RSD Black Friday 2024. LP 2 YEP ROCK INTERNATIONAL 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
OWENS, BUCK I’VE GOT A TIGER BY THE TAIL Limited Orange Vinyl. Out of print on vinyl since the ’70s, this prime slab of ’65 Buck is Buck at his best. Topping the country charts and being named the Billboard Country album of the year the interest in this album never wained. This is THE Buck Owens album to own, as it is the apex of his career with the Buckaroos. Don Rich never sounded tighter (and even throws a guest vocal with „Wham Bam“). There has never been a more distinctive & instantly recognizable sound in country music than Buck Owens, and this album is reflective of that. There are a handful of hits on this one, including the title track, „Cryin‘ Time,“ and „Memphis.“ If you only have room for one Buck Owens album, well, this is it! Cut all analog and pressed on orange vinyl. This is a 2024 Black Friday Record Store Day release. LP 2 SUNDAZED MUSIC INC. COUNTRY 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
SANTANA LET THE GUITAR PLAY This limited edition three song 12â is pressed on tie-dye vinyl. This is a 2024 Black Friday Record Store Day release. // For more than five decades Carlos Santana has been the visionary force behind artistry that transcends musical genres and generational, cultural, and geographical boundaries. To date, Santana has won ten GRAMMY Awards and three Latin GRAMMY Awards, received the Billboard Century Award, is a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, received the Billboard Latin Music Awardsâ Lifetime Achievement honor, is the recipient of the Kennedy Center Honors Award, and has been cited by Rolling Stone as #11 on their list of the â100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time.â Teaming up with producers Lino Nicolosi, Nicolosi Team, and Narada Michael Walden (Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey), Santana presents three distinct versions of his composition âLet The Guitar Playâ – The Radio Version, The Soul Radio Version, and The 70’s Version. The first two feature Run DMC’s Darryl McDaniels who delivers a poetic rap over an EDM-style drum beat, serving as a dynamic catalyst for Santana to intricately weave his signature guitar magic. 12″ 2 CANDID ROCK 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
B.B. KING In France: Live at the Nancy Jazz Pulsations Festival (1977) In France: Live at the Nancy Jazz Pulsations Festival (1977) is a previously unissued live recording from the legendary bluesman B.B. King captured by the ORTF in France on October 7, 1977 and released on producer Zev Feldman’s Deep Digs label in partnership with Elemental Music and INA France.
The limited-edition 180-gram 2-LP set will be mastered and cut by Matthew Lutthans at The Mastering Lab, and include rare photos by Thierry Trombert, Val Wilmer, Jan Persson and more; plus liner notes by the acclaimed french author Jean Buzeline; and testimonials from fellow blues icons who knew or were inspired by B.B. King. LP 2 ELEMENTAL BLUES NEU 29.11.2024 EDEL
BOLT THROWER War Master (Fire Red/Yellow Vinyl) „War Master“ is the groundbreaking third studio album by UK death metal legends Bolt Thrower. Released in 1991, it features the band’s signature blend of punishing riffs, relentless drumming, and guttural vocals. With themes exploring the brutality of war and the human cost, „War Master“ has become a death metal classic. This album is essential for fans of extreme metal and a must-have addition to any collection. „War Master is a triumph of death metal songwriting, creating an
atmosphere of relentless aggression that still resonates today. A
must-listen for any fan of the genre.“
Includes COMPREHENSIVE BOOKLET with original never before published photos from the actual concert, as well as especially prepared essays. LP 2 ELEMENTAL JAZZ NEU 29.11.2024 EDEL
RIVAL SONS Great Western Valkyrie (10th Anniversary incl. 2 Bonustracks/Black-White Splatter Vinyl) Rival Sons play Rock N Roll in its purest form without apology or pretence. Beyond sharing stages with everyone from Black Sabbath, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC to Guns N Roses, theyâve ignited television shows such as The Late Late Show with James Corden & BBC2 Later Live with Jools Holland. Along the way, theyâve architected a critically acclaimed back catalogue that has earned them multiple GRAMMYâ nominations and 100s of million of streams. 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the 3rd studio album âGreat Western Valkyrieâ. Originally released in June 2014, this album propelled Rival Sons to Rock N Roll royalty featuring the fan favourites âElectric Man, âOpen My Eyesâ & âGood Thingsâ . It became the first Rival Sons album to achieve Top 20 status in the UK Album charts (peaking at #14). This very special anniversary edition includes the original 2 bonus tracks from the albumâs 2014 Tour CD-Edition, first time on vinyl.
Jay Buchananâs voice is stunningly soulful whilst Scott Holidayâs signature guitars riffs, licks and solos elevate the sonic landscape that Rival Sons create to another level. LP 2 EARACHE CLASSIC ROCK NEU 29.11.2024 EDEL
SUN RA ARKESTRA Lights On A Satellite (2LP Crystal Clear Vinyl) /signed by Marshall Allen & limited to 500 Auf âLights On A Satelliteâ ist der unnachahmliche Groove dieses Ausnahmeorchesters in der vollen Besetzung von 24 Musikern zu hören, aufgenommen in einer Qualität, die alle Stimmen zur Geltung kommen lässt und die Musik in ihrer ganzen Schönheit präsentiert. Mit diesen Vorgaben und 24 Musikern als Produzent ins Studio zu gehen, war ein Wagnis. Frank Kleinschmidt von IN+OUT Records hat mit âLights On A Satelliteâ seiner über 40-jährigen Verbundenheit mit dem Sun Ra Arkestra den innigsten Ausdruck verliehen. Was für ein groÃartiges Projekt! LP 2 IN & OUT PROG/JAZZ NEU 29.11.2024 EDEL
JACKSON, JOE The Duke Joe Jackson zollt mit The Duke dem legendären Jazz-Komponisten und Pianisten Duke Ellington Tribut. Erstmals 2012 erschienen, handelt es sich um ein Tribute-Album, auf dem Jackson Ellingtons Werke auf kreative Weise neu interpretiert. Anstatt die Stücke eins zu eins nachzuspielen, kombiniert Jackson Jazz, Pop, Latin und sogar elektronische Elemente, um Ellingtons Musik modern und einzigartig zu gestalten.
Zu den bekanntesten Stücken auf dem Album gehören âMood Indigoâ und âIt Donât Mean a Thing (If It Ainât Got That Swing)â. Unterstützt wird Jackson von prominenten Gastmusikern wie Iggy Pop, Steve Vai und dem Jazz-Trompeter Christian Scott. Nun zum Record Store Day nun erstmals auf farbigem (orangenem) 180g Vinyl erhältlich, streng limitiert und nummeriert. LP 1 EARMUSIC JAZZ RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 EDEL
FOREIGNER Foreigner Classics Foreigner Classics ist eine Best-of-Zusammenstellung, die keine Wünsche offen lässt. Erstmals 2012 veröffentlicht enthält sie eine Auswahl ihrer gröÃten Hits aus den 1970er und 1980er Jahren, die die Band zu internationalen Stars machten. Zu den bekanntesten Tracks auf dem Album zählen âCold as Iceâ, âI Want to Know What Love Isâ, âUrgentâ und âJuke Box Heroâ.
Das Album bietet einen umfassenden Ãberblick über Foreigners erfolgreichste Phase und zeigt ihren charakteristischen Mix aus Rock, Hard Rock und melodischen Balladen. Ein Muss für Fans, die die Klassiker der Band in einer einzigen Sammlung erleben möchten. Erstmals auf farbigem (rotem) 180g Vinyl erhältlich, streng limitiert und nummeriert. LP 2 EARMUSIC CLASSIC ROCK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 EDEL
MOKA EFTI ORCHESTRA Herz / Wo ich geboren bin (feat. Christian Friedel) Wie Phoenix – mit âZu Asche, Zu Staubâ – hat sich das MOKA EFTI ORCHESTRA 2018 und 2019 zu ungeahnten Höhenflug erhoben. Geboren aus dem Bauch der international erfolgreichen TV-Serie Babylon Berlin spielt das 14-köpfige Ensemble um die Komponisten Nikko Weidemann und Mario Kamien sowie Arrangeur/ MD Sebastian Borkowski vor ausverkauften Häusern in ganz Deutschland. HERZ / Wo ich geboren bin sind die ersten Beiden Singles seit geraumer Zeit und bietet ein erstes Lebenszeichen zu dem 2025 erscheinenden neuen Album der Band. Mit Christian Friedel hat man einen kongenialen Gesangspartner gefunden. Christian Friedel ist nicht nur aus Babylon Berlin bekannt, sondern zudem Sänger bei Woods of Birnam und mit „The Zone of Interest“ gerade in aller Munde. Die Vinyl kommt in einer liebevollen 10″ Grösse und hat mit 45RPM die bestmögliche Soundqualität. 10″ 1 MOTOR MUSIC DEUTSCH POP NEU 29.11.2024 EDEL
BIG BROTHER & THE HOLDING COMPANY Live at the Grande Ballroom Detroit; March 2, 1968 Unreleased live show with Janis Joplin 2LP 2 COLUMBIA ROCK NEU 29.11.2024 SONY MUSIC
DEAD PREZ RBG: Revolutionary But Gangsta 20th Anniversary, First time on vinyl Opaque Red 1 LEGACY RAP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 SONY MUSIC
BOBBY SHMURDA Shmurda She Wrote 10th Anniversary, First time on vinyl LP 1 LEGACY RAP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 SONY MUSIC
LSD (LABRINTH, SIA AND DIPLO) Labrinth, Sia & Diplo presents… LSD (The Remixes) 5th Anniversary , ltd col. Vinyl LP COLUMBIA RAP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 SONY MUSIC
LAMB OF GOD Ashes Of The Wake Live Part of ashes 20 Project 2LP 2 LEGACY METAL RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 SONY MUSIC
WHITNEY HOUSTON Love Is Unreleased studio track, remix & Live versions plus unreleased Live songs 12″ Single 1 ARISTA POP NEU 29.11.2024 SONY MUSIC
JIMI HENDRIX Songs For Groovy Children 1 LP highlights from the box that documended „The band of Gypsys“ Fillmore East on new Years eve & Day 1969/1970 LP 1 LEGACY ROCK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 SONY MUSIC
MODEST MOUSE Baron Von Bullshit Rides Again Erstmal offiziell auf Vinyl: ihr Live Album aus 2004 2LP 2 LEGACY ALTERNATIVE RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 SONY MUSIC
RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE Democratic National Convention 2000 Summer of 2000 live concert across from the Staples Center while the democratric national Convention was held inside 180g 1 EPIC ROCK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 SONY MUSIC
THE SWEET The Lost Singles 2.0 Sweet war immer auch eine Band mit zwei Gesichtern: dem Glam Rock aus den Hitparaden standen auch immer derbe Hard Rock Kracher gegenüber, mit denen die Band zunächst ihre B-Seiten und später auch eine Diskografie exzellenter Rockalben bestückte. Die besten Songs dieser Art sind auf diesem besonderen Doppelalbum zusammengestellt â eine Zeitreise für Nostalgiker und Neugierige,mit aufwändigem Artwork verpackt. 2LP 2 LEGACY ROCK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 SONY MUSIC
NINA HAGEN BAND Unbehagen Die Neuauflage im komplett restaurierten Org.Artworkbeinhaltet das Cover der internationalen Fassung plus Inner Sleeves. Als besonderes Sammlerstück mit dreisprachigem Textheft Rote 180 g LP 1 SONY CATALOG ROCK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 SONY MUSIC
VON WEGEN LISBETH Und plötzlich der Lachs Von Wegen Lisbeth feiern 10-jähriges Jubiläum ihrer EP „Und plötzlich der Lachs“. Die Berliner Band Von Wegen Lisbeth feiert das 10-jährige Jubiläum ihrer EP „Und plötzlich der Lachsâ mit der Veröffentlichung einer limitierten colored Vinyl. Die 2014 noch komplett in Eigenregie produzierte und veröffentlichte EP markierte seinerzeit den Startschuss für einen unverwechselbaren Sound, mit dem sich die Band im letzten Jahrzehnt einen festen Platz in der deutschen Musikszene und den Herzen vieler treuer Fans erarbeitet hat. LP 1 COLUMBIA POP FIRST TIME ON VINYL 29.11.2024 SONY MUSIC
BYRDS, THE / BUFFALO SPRINGFIELD Buffalo Springfield and The Byrds: Live at the Monterey International Pop Festival Buffalo Springfield und The Byrds und Live at Monterey International Pop Festival: The Byrds – Samstag, 17. Juni 1967 / The Buffalo Springfield – Sonntag, 18. Juni 1967.
Die beiden wichtigsten amerikanischen Rockbands, die auf dem Monterey International Pop Festival auftraten – Buffalo Springfield und The Byrds – hatten eines gemeinsam: David Crosby. Diese Auftritte markieren einen Schlüsselmoment in Crosbys Karriere: Einer seiner letzten Auftritte, bevor er die Byrds verlieÃ, und, als er auf Wunsch von Stephen Stills bei Buffalo Springfield einsprang, die Anfänge der Partnerschaft, aus der Crosby, Stills und Nash werden sollten. Während die Auftritte von Otis, The Who, Janis Joplin und Jimi Hendrix revolutionäre Momente waren, erzählen die Auftritte von The Byrds und Buffalo Springfield eine andere Geschichte, nämlich die eines Künstlers, der die Rockmusik selbst weiterentwickelt hat. Frisch remastered, mit originalgetreuem Coverdesign: Die LP-Verpackung hat einen hochglänzenden Klappumschlag mit bedruckten Innenhüllen. Produziert von Lou Adler. Die Vinylfarbe ist eine LP in Sky Blue (The Byrds) und eine in Orchid (Buffalo Springfield) LP 2 THE MONTEREY INTERNATIONAL POP COUNTRY ROCK NEU 29.11.2024 SPV
BEACHES, THE Blame Jocelyn Dies ist eine 7inch-Platte mit dem The Beaches-Hit âBlame Brettâ auf der A-Seite und ihrem neuen Song âJocelynâ auf der B-Seite, exklusiv für den Record Store Day Black Friday 2024. 7″ Single 1 THE BEACHES – AWAL ALTERNATIVE NEU 29.11.2024 SPV
JUNGLE Back On 74 Jungles 300-Millionen-Streaming-Hit âBack On 74â aus dem gefeierten Album âVolcanoâ von 2023 wird zum Record Store Day Black Friday 2024 exklusiv auf klassischem schwarzem Vinyl gepresst. Mit einem Remix von den britischen Party-Startern Joy Anonymous, einem Dub-Rework des niederländischen Produzenten Full Crate und der offiziellen, beschleunigten Version krönt die 12″-Vinyl ein phänomenales Jahr für Jungle. Die britische Band hat einen BRIT Award gewonnen, mit âBack On 74â international Gold geholt, ihr eigenes Fortnite-Emote veröffentlicht, die West Holts Stage in Glastonbury als Headliner gespielt und eine gigantische Welttournee absolviert, die Show für Show ausverkauft. 12″ Single 1 CAIOLA RECORDS – AWAL ELECTRO NEU 29.11.2024 SPV
BADALAMENTI, ANGELO Music From Film And Television The vinyl debut of the career-spanning concert at the Ghent International Film Festival, performed by the Brussels Philharmonic-The Orchestra Of Flanders, conducted by Dirk Brossé. First time on vinyl, new cover art. col. 1LP (ruby) 1 UMG/CONCORD FILMMUSIK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Universal
GARBAGE copy / paste (Magenta Colour Vinyl) Magenta Colour – Gatefold Sleeve. Release is exclusive to RSD BF.
A special 10 track collection of unique covers by Garbage, spanning their impressive 30 year career.
âcopy/pasteâ is a musical journey, showcasing the band mastery for reinterpreting classic recordings, and paying homage to luminaries such as David Bowie, Ramones, Patti Smith, U2, Big Star, The Jam, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Psychedelic Furs, The Velvet Underground, Tim Buckley and This Mortal Coil.
Curated by Garbage, âcopy/pasteâ is released exclusively for Record Store Day and available on special colour gatefold vinyl, featuring a previously unreleased track. 1LP – Colour Gatefold 1 BMG POP / ROCK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Universal
HAYES, ISAAC Truck Turner (Original Soundtrack) Round two of the Reel Cult Series of Varèse releases, this record celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Isaac Hayes blaxploitation classic, with Hayes in the titular role as a bounty hunter who finds himself hunted. 2LP set on colored vinyl. col. 2LP (grape) 2 UMG/CONCORD SOUNDTRACK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Universal
HELMET Betty Now considered a cult classic, Betty was originally released on June 21, 1994, on Interscope Records. Helmet and T-Ray produced all of the albumâs songs, except for âMilquetoast,â which was produced by Butch Vig. Rolling Stone would go on to hail it as âone of Helmetâs most beloved albums, as well as a landmark of mid-Nineties metalâ and note, âTracks like âWilmaâs Rainbow,â âI Knowâ and âMilquetoastâ (which had appeared earlier that year, as âMilktoast,â on the soundtrack to the Brandon Lee film The Crow) continued the bandâs riff-as-power-tool aesthetic, while also expanding on itâ¦exploring jazz (âBeautiful Loveâ), blues (âSam Hellâ) and oddball funk (âThe Silver Hawaiianâ).â col. 2LP 2 INTERSCOPE ALTERNATIVE RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Universal
KAHAN, NOAH Features EP Will contain all 8 feature tracks from Stick Season (We’ll All Be Here Forever). „Dial Drunk“ w/ Post Malone, „Call Your Mom“ w/ Lozzy McAlpine, „She Calls Me Back“ w/ Kacey Musgraves, „Northern Attitude“ w/ Hozier, „Everywhere, Everything“ w/ Gracie Abrams, „Homesick“ w/ Sam Fender, „You’re Gonna Go Far“ w/ Brandi Carlile, & „Paul Revere“ w/ Gregory Alan Isakov. Tiger Eye Brown color variant. 12″ EP 1 REPUBLIC POP NEU 29.11.2024 Universal
MARVEL CHORUS Merry Marvel Marching Society Relive your favorite childhood themes from the 1966 Marvel Comics TV series, The Marvel Super Heroes. This remarkable compilation is now available on a collectible 12â vinyl and includes the Merry Marvel Marching Society fan club theme song along with the character themes from Marvel Super Heroes Have Arrived, Captain America, Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, the Mighty Thor, and Sub-Mariner. LP 1 DISNEY / HOLLYWOOD RECORDS SOUNDTRACK NEU 29.11.2024 Universal
MOTLEY CRUE Dr. Feelgood – 7″ Singles Box Set (Colour 7″ Vinyl) (2024 Remaster) Five 7 in singles in a clamshell box set. Part of the 35th anniversary campaign. Boxset & 7″Colour singles are exclusive to RSD BF.
Contents (all on color TBD Vinyl)
* Dr. Feelgood b/w Sticky Sweet – Green Vinyl
* Same Olâ Situation (S.O.S.) b/w Wild Side – Clear Vinyl
* Donât Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) b/w Rattlesnake Shake – Yellow Vinyl
* Without You b/w Slice of Your Pie – Red Vinyl
* Kickstart My Heart b/w She Goes Down – White Vinyl
* Plus 2 Motley Crue branded bandages 7″ Boxset (5 Colour 7″ Singles) 5 BMG METAL / ROCK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Universal
ONEREPUBLIC Artificial Paradise Special two-disc Record Store Day variant of OneRepublic’s sixth studio album from GRAMMY-nominated OneRepublic with special Gold & Pure Cloudy discs, featuring eight new Acoustic versions never-before-pressed to vinyl. 2LP 2 INTERSCOPE POP NEU 29.11.2024 Universal
RODRIGO, OLIVIA GUTS (Spilled) 3-time GRAMMY® award winning recording artist Olivia Rodrigo reissues GUTS (spilled) on limited edition 2LP deluxe vinyl. Housed in a gatefold jacket and exclusive purple sleeve, featuring GUTS (spilled) artwork, this special edition red and purple marble vinyl encompasses the full collection of GUTS songs col. 2LP (red & purple marbled) / purple bag 2 INTERSCOPE POP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Universal
STEVENS, CAT Saturnight Saturnight (subtitled „Live in Tokyo“) is the first live album by Cat Stevens, released only in Japan. Recorded June 22, 1974 at Sunplaza Hall, Nakano, Tokyo, Japan. col. 1LP (splatter apple/tangerine) ? 1 ISLAND ROCK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Universal
U2 How to Re-Assemble An Atomic Bomb Exclusively available for Record Store Day as a Limited Edition Black & Red Marble Vinyl, âHow To Re-Assemble An Atomic Bombâ is a collection of ten songs taken from the original recording sessions for âHow To Dismantle An Atomic Bombâ â U2âs critically acclaimed, eight-time Grammy winning album â recently rediscovered in the bandâs archive and now released for the first time as a standalone album. This shadow album features new, previously unreleased songs including âLuckiest Man In The Worldâ, âHappinessâ and âCountry Mileâ; as well as newly remastered songs including âPicture of You (X + W), all collected together for the first time to mark the 20th anniversary of âHow To Dismantle An Atomic Bombâ / ⢠1 x 12ââ 180g Black & Red Marble Heavyweight vinyl, housed in a gatefold sleeve col. 1LP (black & red marble) 1 ISLAND ROCK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Universal
VARIOUS ARTISTS Jazz Dispensary: The Golden Hour Get ready to immerse yourself in a world where the soundscapes of sunbaked sands and the cold sea breeze blend seamlessly to create one dank groove blast. The cratediggers of Jazz Dispensary present The Golden Hour: a new stash of sizzlers that evoke the feeling of floating on a cool, lone wave while soaking in the last sunbeams of the day. Features tunes from renowned groove-masters Johnny Hammond, Sonny Rollins, Chico Hamilton, Vince Guaraldi, Catalyst, and more. Featuring artwork by acclaimed visual artist Kamil Czapiga, who filmed special color inks reacting to songs from the album with microscopic cameras to create the cover art col. 1LP (Kintsugi) 1 UMG/CONCORD JAZZ NEU 29.11.2024 Universal
VARIOUS ARTISTS The Soul And Songs Of Young Curtis Mayfield: The Spirit Of Chicago New compilation showcasing the recording, producing and songwriting of Curtis Mayfield during his time on Vee-Jay Records in the late â50s and early â60s. 2LP gatefold set which includes new liner notes. 2LP 2 UMG/CONCORD R & B NEU 29.11.2024 Universal
VARIOUS ARTISTS High Fidelity (OST) Original soundtrack from the movie, pressed as a 2LP on blue vinyl col. 2LP (blue) 2 DISNEY SOUNDTRACK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Universal
VARIOUS ARTISTS 10 Things I Hate About You â Original Soundtrack (25th Anniversary Edition) Original soundtrack from the movie, pressed on neon pink vinyl. col. LP (neon pink) 1 DISNEY SOUNDTRACK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Universal
BEBE REXHA Expectations Bebe Rexhaâs debut full-length album, Expectations, available for the first time on Clear vinyl. In addition to Bebe co-writing and co-producing every song on the album, Expectations is also produced by Max Martin, Ali Payami, JUSSI, Jason Evigan, Louis Bell, The Stereotypes and Hit-Boy. Featuring Meant to Be (feat. Florida Georgia Line), Iâm A Mess, I Got You, and more. Limited 1 x 140g 12″ clear vinyl album 1 WARNER RECORDS LABEL POP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner
EARL SWEATSHIRT Feat of Clay (5th Anniversary Edition) Featuring the full deluxe tracklist across each side of the LP. Originally a surprise release in November 2019 between his third and fourth albums, it features El Toro Combo Meal featuring Mavi, MTOMB featuring Liv.e, East, and more. Limited 1 x 140g 12″ Blue vinyl album 1 WARNER RECORDS LABEL HIP HOP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner
ECHO & THE BUNNYMEN The Killing Moon Arguably Echo & The Bunnymen’s biggest track, and Ian McCulloch’s self-proclaimed „greatest song ever written“, The Killing Moon is one of the 80s and alternative rock’s biggest songs of all time. The epic, ethereal track is available on 12″ alongside the amazing All Night Version, available as for the first time as a 12″ single for the first time since original release. The track also features on the album Ocean Rain which is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. Limited 1 x 140g 12″ Black vinyl single 1 WARNER MUSIC UK POP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner
ECHO & THE BUNNYMEN Silver Echo & The Bunnymen’s second single from their timeless fourth studio album Ocean Rain celebrates 40 years this year. Issued on 12″ for the first time since original release, it includes the epic Tidal Wave version of the track. Limited 1 x 140g 12″ Black vinyl single 1 WARNER MUSIC UK POP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner
GRATEFUL DEAD Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New Haven, CT 5/5/77 The May 1977: Get Shown The Light Vinyl Saga comes to a close with the New Haven 5/5/77 opening night performance. Featuring: Sugaree, Scarlet > Fire, St. Stephen > Sugar Magnolia, Estimated Prophet, and what is widely considered one of the best performances of Peggy-O. Available in a limited edition 4LP set. Limited 4 x 180g 12″ Black vinyl album box 4 RHINO FOCUS POP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner
HANCOCK, HERBIE Possibilities Herbie Hancock joins forces with musical icons Annie Lenox, Christina Aguilera, John Mayer, Santana, Sting and more as his early aughts duet album Possibilities makes its vinyl debut. Releasing in November – just in time for Black Friday – this Ruby Red 3LP set includes the original album, newly remastered, with 4 bonus tracks. Limited 3 x 140g 12″ Red vinyl album 3 RHINO (PURE) POP NEU 29.11.2024 Warner
HOOKER, JOHN LEE Don’t Turn Me From Your Door Don’t Turn Me From Your Door, originally released in 1963, showcases rare tracks from the early career of John Lee Hooker; printed with the French cover and pressed on yellow vinyl. The early 70s reissue, retitled Detroit Blues, adds four additional tracks to the original list, including Don’t Turn Me From Your Door, Drifting Blues and Gonna Use My Rod. Experience the legendary sound and rare recordings that solidified Hooker’s iconic status in blues history! Limited 1 x 140g 12″ Yellow vinyl album 1 RHINO ATLANTIC POP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner
MITCHELL, JONI Hejira Demos This much anticipated vinyl breakout comes straight from the Joni Mitchell Archives, Vol. 4 boxset. Pressed on 180g black vinyl, and featuring Mitchell’s March 1976 solo demos from one of her most acclaimed albums. If you listen closely you can even hear Rock Hall Alumnus Chaka Khan on backing vocals for the track Black Crow. Limited 1 x 180g 12″ Black vinyl album 1 RHINO ELEKTRA POP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner
MORPHINE B-Sides and Otherwise Available for the first time on vinyl, Morphine’s first rarities collection featuring B-Sides and other rare tracks recorded 1993-1997, never released on their studio albums. Limited 1 x 140g 12″ Yellow & Black vinyl album 1 RYKO RHINO POP NEU 29.11.2024 Warner
COLLINS, PHIL Live From The Board… The Official Bootleg Available for the first time on vinyl, Live From The Board… The Official Bootleg is an EP of recordings from Phil’s European leg of his Both Sides tour in 1994. It includes big hits such as Sussudio and Easy Lover. Packaged in a special edition 10″ EP. Limited 1 x 100g 10″ Black vinyl 4 track EP 1 RHINO (PURE) POP NEU 29.11.2024 Warner
RAMONES Greatest Hits Available for the first time on vinyl, this 1-LP compilation of Ramones sub-2 minute zingers, collects highlights from the band’s extensive career – from their first release in 1976 all the way through to 1994. The collection includes everything you would want and expect from such an extensive array, from Blitzkreig Bop and Sheena Is A Punk Rocker, to Pinhead and Wart Hog. Limited 1 x 140g 12″ Red vinyl album 1 RHINO WARNER POP NEU 29.11.2024 Warner
MARTIN, STEVE King Tut Steve Martin’s King Tut is a humorous and catchy tribute to the infamous Egyptian pharaoh. The track list includes the lively instrumental Sally Goodin and the upbeat Hoedown At Alice’s, showcasing Martin’s range of talents. This collection offers a fun and entertaining blend of comedy and music. Limited 1 x 140g 12″ picture vinyl album 1 RHINO WARNER POP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner
STONE TEMPLE PILOTS Purple Rarities Celebrate the 30th anniversary of Stone Temple Pilot’s Purple with a breakout of the album rarities originally featured on the Super Deluxe Edition, available for the first time on vinyl. Limited 1 x 140g 12″ Purple vinyl album 1 RHINO ATLANTIC POP NEU 29.11.2024 Warner
TEDDY SWIMS I’ve tried everything but Therapy (Part 1.5) Teddy Swims‘ debut album featuring hit songs „Lose Control“ and „The Door“ plus 4 songs on vinyl for the very first time! Limited Edition, pressed on Baby Blue Vinyl. Exclusive for RSD Black Friday. Limited 1 x 140g 12″ colour vinyl album 1 WARNER RECORDS LABEL POP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner
BEAT, THE Special Beat Service Special Beat Service is a dynamic fusion of ska, pop, and punk influences and includes the standout hits I Confess and Save If For Later. This 2-LP deluxe edition also features live and non-LP tracks. Limited 2 x 140g 12″ Red (disc1) & Blue (disc2) vinyl album 2 RHINO (PURE) POP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner
CARL STALLING PROJECT, THE The Carl Stalling Project First time vinyl release of 1990 CD compilation of classic cartoon music from the golden age of Warner Bros. cartoons. Limited 2 x 140g 12″ colour tbc vinyl album 2 RHINO WARNER POP NEU 29.11.2024 Warner
DOORS, THE Live in Detroit The Doors performance from Cobo Arena, 8th May, 1970 is available on 4-LP vinyl for the first time. Captured during the band’s Roadhouse Blues Tour, it was one of the band’s longer shows. In fact, the band played for an hour past curfew and were banned from the arena on future tours. The fiery set includes a number of Blues covers, including I’m a King Bee, Back Door Man, Junior Parker’s Mystery Train and Crossroads by Robert Johnson. The Doors also tear through17 minute-plus versions of The End and When The Music’s Over, as well as an over 19 minute version of Light My Fire and other rare tracks such as Love Hides and Dead Cats, Dead Rats. This collection captures the band at an absolute zenith. Limited 4 x 140g 12″ Black vinyl album box 4 RHINO ELEKTRA POP NEU 29.11.2024 Warner
VERONICAS, THE Hook Me Up Available on fluorescent pink vinyl, Hook Me Up is the sophomore album by The Veronicas, the Australian, duo of identical twin sisters, Lisa and Jessica Origliasso. The album was heralded as a new direction for The Veronicas, fusing a cool electro sound with the pop/rock edge of their debut. The 2024 Record Store Day Black Friday edition of Hook Me Up marks the first time the album is being released on vinyl outside the duoâs home country of Australia. This release features additional fan favourite bonus track Insomnia. Limited 1 x 140g 12″ Pink vinyl album 1 RHINO WARNER POP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner
RUNDGREN, TODD Utopia Todd Runden’s Utopia album presents an eclectic mix of lengthy tracks, showcasing his musical range. From the expansive title track, to the experimental The Ikon, which spans over 30 minutes, the album is a journey through progressive rock and avant-garde sounds. Freedom Fighters offers a shorter, more accessible piece, adding variety to this musical odyssey. Limited 1 x 140g 12″ colour tbc vinyl album 1 RHINO (PURE) POP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner
VAN HALEN Live in Dallas 1991 Previously unreleased live concert from Van Halens 4th December, 1991, performance in Dallas, TX. Captured during the For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge Tour, the shows setlist mixes new songs Judgement Day and Poundcake with songs from 5150 and OU812: Best Of Both Worlds and Finish What Ya Started. The band also played Panama, plus two of Hagars hits: I Can’t Drive 55 and Thereâs Only One Way To Rock. Limited 2 x 140g 12″ Red vinyl album 2 RHINO WARNER POP NEU 29.11.2024 Warner
VARIOUS ARTISTS The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Celebrate the 20th anniversary of The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie with this iconic movie soundtrack. Dive into Bikini Bottom with tracks like Goofy Goober Rock and Best Day Ever, transporting you to the whimsical world under the sea. Whether you’re reliving nostalgic moments or discovering the magic of SpongeBob for the first time, this soundtrack is a must-have addition to any music collection. Limited 1 x 140g 12″ Pink & Yellow Splatter vinyl album 1 WARNER RECORDS LABEL POP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner
WAR The Vinyl II (1977-1994) WAR: The Vinyl II is the next in series of the special edition box-sets celebrating WAR’s 50+ years of music making. The Vinyl II includes Platinum Funk (1977), Galaxy (1977), The Music Band (1979), Outlaw (1982) and Peace Sign (1984). Featuring original new artwork from Dave Van Patten, and newly remastered by Bernie Grundman, this collection travels from the L.A. Sunshine to the Galaxy and beyond, deep into The Jungle and All Around The World. While each album is wildly different, they all contain WAR’s signature genre-defying sound. Limited 5 x 140g 12″ colour tbc vinyl album box 5 AVENUE RECORDS POP RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner
YES Fragile (Alternate Version) Available for the first time on vinyl, an exploration into Yes‘ breakthrough 1971 fourth studio album, Fragile, with rare early recordings, alternative song versions, and mixes by Steven Wilson. Includes outtakes of hits such as Roundabout, Long Distance Runaround – The Fish, and many more! Limited 1 x 140g 12″ Black vinyl album 1 RHINO ATLANTIC POP NEU 29.11.2024 Warner
TRUDELL, JOHN Wounded Indians Wounded Indians is the final recording of American Indian and spoken word artist John Trudell before he transitioned, returning to the Star Nation, in December 2015. Produced by Jackson Browne, and recorded with Trudell’s long time Bad Dog Bandmates, Mark Shark, Ricky Eckstein, Gary Ray, Debra Dobkin and Quiltman, the lines spoken and songs created are some of the most intimate, raw and heartfelt of Trudellâs recordings. Includes guest performances by Jackson Browne, Cody Blackbird, Jorge Calderón, Wally Ingram, Ulali Project and the late Jesse Ed Davis. 180g black LP 1 INSIDE ROCK RE-RELEASE 29.11.2024 Warner/ADA
MCKAGAN, DUFF Live At Easy Street Duff’s performance at Easy Street Records in Seattle, WA on December 8, 2023. Duff McKagan – Guitar and Vocals, Tim Dijulio -Guitar, Mike Squires – Bass, Ryan Waters- Guitar, Mike Musburger – Drums, Ryan Burns – Keyboards. Tracks: 1. Introduction by Matt Vaughan, 2. I Just Donât Know, 3. Chip Away, 4. Longfeather, 5. Fallen Ones, 6. Tenderness, 7. I Saw God on 10th Street, 8. Just Another Shakedown, 9. This Is The Song, 10. Lighthouse. LP 1 BOB FRANK ENTERTAINMENT ROCK NEU 29.11.2024 Warner/ADA
MYKAL ROSE, SUBATOMIC SOUND SYSTEM & HOLLIE COOK Rockin‘ Like a Champion Reggae superstar Mykal Rose, original Grammy winning voice of Black Uhuru, steps into future with Lee Scratch Perry’s former band, NYC dub specialists Subatomic Sound System on riddims and the added bonus of the ethereal vocals of London’s Hollie Cook floating on top. LP 1 DUB SHOT REGGAE NEU 29.11.2024 Warner/ADA
BEATLES, THE I Want To Hold Your Hand / I Saw Her Standing There Cut from the original US version of the master tapes by Kevin Reeves in Nashville, using all-analog cutting process and on the 1970 lathe that was in Capitol and has been used on many classic album cuts over the years. Same masters as used for the albums in the 1964 box set. 7″ Single 1 APPLE 29.11.2024 Universal
EILISH, BILLIE HIT ME HARD AND SOFT (Isolated Vocals Edition) HIT ME HARD AND SOFT [Isolated Vocals] is a variation of the hit album by Billie Eilish, previously sold exclusively as a digital download on her D2C store. The title features the isolated vocal recordings, showcasing the album in a stripped back and raw light and highlighting the power of Billie’s vocals. The vinyl is pressed exclusively for RSD Indie Black Friday and includes a unique inverted album cover. LP 1 IGA POP NEU 29.11.2024 Universal
TANGERINE DREAM LIVE AT THE KELVIN HALL, GLASGOW, NOVEMBER, 20th 1974 „• DOUBLE LP SET BLUE & YELLOW COLOR VINYL. • FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME IN VINYL. • LINER NOTES AND ORIGINAL RECORDINGS REMASTERED BY WOUTER BESSELS. • COLLECTOR EDITION LIMITED TO 3,000 COPIES WORLDWIDE // The live performance of Tangerine Dream at Kervin Hall in Glasgow in 1974 is a legendary concert that perfectly illustrates their unique style of electronic and ambient music. With Edgar Froese, Christopher Franke, and Peter Baumann, the group captivated the audience with long, hypnotic tracks, creating an immersive atmosphere through the innovative use of synthesizers and sequencers. The ambiance in this magnificent venue was electrifying and enchanting, with perfect acoustics that magnified every note. This performance is often cited as a key moment in their career, showcasing their ability to create complex soundscapes live, marking the history of 70s electronic music.“ LP 2 CULTURE FACTORY ELECTRONIC 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
SNOOP DOGG LIVE AT FOREST NATIONAL, 2005 „• GREY & WHITE SMOKE COLOR VINYL • ONE TIME PRESSING • REMASTERED FOR AUDIOPHILE LISTENERS. • COLLECTOR EDITION WITH DVD OF THE CONCERT. // Relive the unforgettable vibes of Snoop Dogg’s epic concert at Forest National in Brussels in 2005 with this exclusive double vinyl. Immerse yourself in the infectious energy of his live performance and groove to the iconic tracks that made the night legendary, including “Gin and Juice,” “Drop It Like It’s Hot,” and many more. This double vinyl set immortalizes the precise moment when Snoop Dogg’s rap prowess and West Coast style lit up the stage in Brussels. It’s a must-have for music enthusiasts and devoted fans of the Doggfather himself.“ LP 3 CULTURE FACTORY RAP 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
SCOTT-HERON, GIL & BRIAN JACKSON FROM SOUTH AFRICA TO SOUTH CAROLINA „• DOUBLE GOLD & WHITE LP SET. • ONE TIME PRESSING. • REMASTERED FOR AUDIOPHILE LISTENERS. • COLLECTOR EDITION LIMITED TO 4,000 COPIES WORLDWIDE. // Released in 1975, this album fuses jazz, funk, and African sounds, exploring cultural heritage and the connections between Africa and the United States. Tracks like ‘Johannesburg’ celebrate the struggle for freedom and identity, while ‘South Carolina’ blends African rhythms and soulful harmonies, reflecting a quest for cultural reconciliation while honoring African traditions in a modern context. A must-listen for fans of socially conscious music and 70s soul jazz. This edition includes, for the first time, a second vinyl with 4 bonus tracks.“ CD 1 CULTURE FACTORY JAZZ/FUNK 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
SCOTT-HERON, GIL & BRIAN JACKSON FROM SOUTH AFRICA TO SOUTH CAROLINA „• DOUBLE GOLD & WHITE LP SET. • ONE TIME PRESSING. • REMASTERED FOR AUDIOPHILE LISTENERS. • COLLECTOR EDITION LIMITED TO 4,000 COPIES WORLDWIDE. // Released in 1975, this album fuses jazz, funk, and African sounds, exploring cultural heritage and the connections between Africa and the United States. Tracks like ‘Johannesburg’ celebrate the struggle for freedom and identity, while ‘South Carolina’ blends African rhythms and soulful harmonies, reflecting a quest for cultural reconciliation while honoring African traditions in a modern context. A must-listen for fans of socially conscious music and 70s soul jazz. This edition includes, for the first time, a second vinyl with 4 bonus tracks.“ LP 2 CULTURE FACTORY JAZZ/FUNK 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
KAUKONEN, JORMA & JACK CASADY RENO ROAD „Limited GOLD Vinyl Replica CD Editiion // ATTENTION… UNRELEASED GEMS This blues and folk album showcases the early recordings of Jorma Kaukonen with Jack Casady, longtime collaborators, before Jefferson Airplane & Hot Tuna. The album is distinguished by its exceptional instrumental performances, recognizable voice, and refined acoustic arrangements. Revealing a unique musical chemistry between the two artists, this album is a must-listen for blues and folk enthusiasts, capturing the essence of their early collaborative beginnings.“ CD 1 CULTURE FACTORY USA BLUES/FOLK 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
KAUKONEN, JORMA & JACK CASADY RENO ROAD „• DOUBLE GOLDEN LP SET. • ONE TIME PRESSING. • REMASTERED FOR AUDIOPHILE LISTENERS. • COLLECTOR EDITION LIMITED TO 2,000 COPIES WORLDWIDE. // ATTENTION… UNRELEASED GEMS This blues and folk album showcases the early recordings of Jorma Kaukonen with Jack Casady, longtime collaborators, before Jefferson Airplane & Hot Tuna. The album is distinguished by its exceptional instrumental performances, recognizable voice, and refined acoustic arrangements. Revealing a unique musical chemistry between the two artists, this album is a must-listen for blues and folk enthusiasts, capturing the essence of their early collaborative beginnings.“ LP 2 CULTURE FACTORY USA BLUES/FOLK 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
CYPRESS HILL LIVE AT ROCK IM PARK 1999 „Limited Blue Vinyl Replica CD Editiion // The concert of Cypress Hill at the Rock Im Park festival in 1999, released for the first time, captures the raw energy and intensity of their live performance. It includes classics like “Insane in the Brain” and “Hits from the Bong,” showcasing their unique fusion of rap and rock. The exceptional sound quality allows listeners to relive the explosive atmosphere of the festival. This vinyl replica CD is a must-have for fans, offering complete immersion into an iconic moment in Cypress Hill’s history.“ CD 1 CULTURE FACTORY HIP-HOP/ROCK 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
CYPRESS HILL LIVE AT ROCK IM PARK 1999 „• BLUE SMOKE COLOR VINYL • FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME IN VINYL. • REMASTERED FOR AUDIOPHILE LISTENERS. • COLLECTOR EDITION LIMITED TO 3,000 COPIES WORLDWIDE. // The concert of Cypress Hill at the Rock Im Park festival in 1999, released for the first time, captures the raw energy and intensity of their live performance. It includes classics like “Insane in the Brain” and “Hits from the Bong,” showcasing their unique fusion of rap and rock. The exceptional sound quality allows listeners to relive the explosive atmosphere of the festival. This vinyl is a must-have for fans, offering complete immersion into an iconic moment in Cypress Hill’s history.“ LP 2 CULTURE FACTORY HIP-HOP/ROCK 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
EMILY REMLER Cookin‘ at the Queens (Live in Las Vegas 1984 & 1988) Cookin‘ at the Queens is the first release in 33 years from the unsung jazz guitar great Emily Remler, and it’s a previously unreleased collection of performances that were broadcast on KNPR Las Vegas as part of Alan Grant’s „4 Queens Jazz Night from Las Vegas” weekly radio program between 1985-1988. Released in cooperation with the Emily Remler Estate, the limited-edition 180-gram 3-LP set is mastered from the original tape reels in the UNLV archives by Matthew Lutthans at the Mastering Lab, and features quartet performances with pianist Cocho Arbe, bassist Carson Smith and drummer Tom Montgomery, and trio performances with bassist Carson Smith and drummer John Pesci. The deluxe package will include liner notes by acclaimed author Bill Milkowski, plus many other artists who knew or were inspired by Emily Remler, such as Sheryl Bailey, Russell Malone, David Benoit, Mike Stern, Lee Ritenour, Jocelyn Gould and many, many others. Limited-edition 180-gm 3-LP gatefold set, includes an extensive booklet with rare photos, liner notes and interviews with a whole score of jazz musicians. Vinyl. LP 3 RESONANCE RECORDS JAZZ 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
AL JARREAU Wow! Live in Performance at the Childe Harold (Washington, August 1976, recorded for WHFS radio) Wow! Live in Performance at the Childe Harold is a stunning, powerful and passionate performance by the legendary singer and songwriter Al Jarreau captured at his first appearance in Washington, DC in August of 1976. Previously unreleased and originally recorded for WHFS radio in Washington, D.C., the tape remained tucked away for nearly 50 years until now. The limited-edition 180-gram 2-LP set will be mastered and cut all-analog by Matthew Lutthans at The Mastering Lab, and include liner notes by acclaimed music writer A. Scott Galloway and an essay about the Childe Harold by former Washington Post music critic Richard Harrington; plus interviews with artists who knew or were inspired by Al Jarreau. This exhilarating and driving performance highlights Jarreau at an amazing time in his career, swinging for the fences. Limited-edition 180-gm 2-LP gatefold set, includes an extensive booklet with rare photos, essays and interviews with a who’s who of jazz, pop and R&B artists . Vinyl. LP 2 RESONANCE RECORDS JAZZ / R&B 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
DEAD OR ALIVE You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) Limited Picture Disc (RSD Black Friday 2024) 7″ PD 1 DEMON RECORDS POP 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
BLUEY RUG ISLAND Limited Picture Disc (RSD Black Friday 2024) 7″ PD 1 DEMON RECORDS OST 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
T. REX Tanx Limited Picture Disc (RSD Black Friday 2024) LP 1 DEMON RECORDS POP 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
SUN RA Lights On A Satellite: Live at the Left Bank (July 23, 1978 at Ballroom Baltimore) Available for the very first time, the intergalactic icon Sun Ra and his Arkestra’s Lights On A Satellite: Live at the Left Bank was recorded on July 23, 1978 at the Famous Ballroom in Baltimore, Maryland by the Left Bank Jazz Society. The limited-edition 180-gram 2-LP set contains audio from the Sun Ra Archives, and was researched and compiled by Sun Ra archivist Michael D. Anderson. Mastering by engineer Joe Lizzi and lacquers cut by Matthew Lutthans at The Mastering Lab. The critically acclaimed independent filmmaker Robert Mugge has also provided audio from the recordings he made at the Left Bank which was featured in his 1980 film Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise. The deluxe package includes liners notes by veteran music critic J.D. Considine, plus interviews with the centenarian Arkestra saxophonist Marshall Allen, NEA Jazz Master saxophonist Gary Bartz and pianist Craig Taborn. Limited-edition 180-gm 2-LP gatefold set, includes an extensive booklet with rare photos, essays and interviews with Gary Bartz, Craig Taborn, Marshall Allen and John Fowler . Vinyl. LP 2 RESONANCE RECORDS JAZZ 29.11.2024 Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH